Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Defend the Poet

I actually dislike the poem Dinosauria, We. It may be too far for me to say that I disagree with it, but I definitely don't like being exposed to such negativity, no matter how true it is or isn't. It may be right or wrong, but I am a believer of the saying "ignorance is bliss." In my own life, I have found that when a person knows too much, it is always devastating. If I am going to be told something that I don't want to hear, I would rather it be kept from me, because while it may enlighten me, it will also ruin my mood, and all I want is to be happy. That was my immediate reaction when I read this poem. However, I must admit that I am glad that I read it, and I think there are some more important people than I who need an opportunity to read it as well. The poem is brutally honest, and painfully graphic, and in some cases I think people will not take it seriously because it is so exaggerated. but it is hard to ignore the words in this poem. Charles Bukowski is right, for the most part. At the rate we're going, we will destroy the earth. Perhaps not while I'm alive, and maybe even after my kids have died, but if something doesn't change, my grandkids will be feeling the consequences of today's lifestyle.

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