Sunday, January 23, 2011

King Still King?

Without a doubt, Martin Luther King is still King. Although I do believe history repeats itself, I don't think anybody will ever be able to do something as monumental as Martin Luther King did. This is partially because he is the first person to ever do it. In fairness, he is not the only person who was responsible for change during the civil rights era, but whenever someone thinks of the civil rights movement MLK is always considered the "head honcho" so to speak. This speaks to the revolutionary role he played, and to his credit, makes it seems as though he started the idea, and everyone else were just his followers. I don't know how much truth this holds, but no one has ever argued against this so who are we to question it.

I am a shoe

I am not a particularly hardcore shoe person. I do have a lot of shoes, I like shopping for shoes, and I'm willing to spend a decent amount of money on shoes, but I don't consider myself a fanatic. With that being said, I am not ashamed to say that I do have an all time favorite pair of shoes; I think most of us do. My 2 favorite pairs of shoes I have ever owned are both Air Jordans. One of them is called the Army 6 rings, and the other one is called the Space Jam 11's. Out of these two, if I had to chose a shoe to actually be, I would be my army 6 rings. Let me give you some background information on these shoes. (ahem)
They came out in November of 2008. At my sweet 16 birthday party, my best friend came up to me wearing a different shoe on each foot, one of them being the army 6 rings, and the other one being some retro 8's, both of which had come out that day. He said which ones do you want? and I picked the army 6 rings. Mind you, I was wearing a frilly tube top shirt, some tight jeans, and some high heels, but as soon as he gave me those shoes, I kicked my heels off and put them on. They were too big for me and everything, but I didn't care. I used to wear them all the time. In the Summer of 2009, my same best friend asked me if he could wear those shoes and I said yes, and I let him borrow them for about a week and he lost them. I was heartbroken :(. That not withstanding, I would be a pair of army 6 rings if I had to be a shoe, because for me it represents unconditional love, friendship, and my birthday. 3 things I love.

Winter Poem

Wintertime is here, it has been for a long time.
This is the longest season of the year, and the sun rarely shines.
It's always bitter cold, and the days are short and gray.
I long for the time when summer is here, and this season has gone away.
Even though the weather sucks, there are some good things.
Christmas, New years, and winter break, and basketball season is in full swing.
My brother also comes home from college, man I missed that guy.
He's nice to me, and gives me money, and makes me laugh until I cry.
When I'm not in the gym in the winter time, I am with the fam.
Or kickin' it with my crew: Ahmad, rashaad, jeremy, hope, mari, katrae and sam.
All the college kids come home, and visit at the school.
Most of them are lame as ever, but we all just let them think that they're cool.
I will not completely knock the winter, although I'm a summer girl at heart.
But when winter's over, and we're second semester seniors in the spring, then all the fun will start :D

-Vicky Thompson


I personally am a huge proponent of globalization. I may be taking a very "capitalist" vantage point on the issue, but I have to stand by what I live by and what motivates me. I think the whole concept of globalization is where the money is. We are entering an era now where everyone (especially me) is interested in the illumanti, the new world order, and that sort of thing. Americans, especially american entrepreneurs, are starting to realize that there is no more money left here. We have to go out to other people's countries, learn their languages and cultures while spreading our own (as if they don't know all about it), and start our own businesses. I intend to go to Wash-U, major in business and econ, and spend at least one semester studying abroad. I'm not one who particularly likes to travel, but I think studying abroad is something I need to do and would be well worth my time. More and more people are starting to make their companies global, and it would benefit me to have some international exposure. I think globalization is fundamentally a good thing. All of the good things about it outweigh the bad, and the faster people get on board, I think the more universally positive it will become.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Restaurant Review

I'm going to review one of my personally favorite restaurants: the Cheesecake Factory. I realize it might sound a little cliche of mr to say the cheesecake factory actually is one of my favorite restaurants, but it's true. The food is good, the service is always good, like I don't think there is anything bad I could say about it. It's true that it is an expensive meal, but unlike most other luxury restaurants, at the cheesecake factory you really get your money's worth. The portions are very large; I often have to take my meals home with me. The menu is extensive. I have never seen that much variety on one menu at any other restaurant before. The cheesecake menu alone is at least 2 pages alone. I've never had cheesecake off of that menu thy I didn't like, but that's just me. The whole aura of the cheesecake factory is appealing. Its always a little dim in there, it is decorated nicely, and all of the tables ms silverwear is always beautifully arranged. I personally don't have much of a problem with
Spending my money at the cheesecake factory. I feel like it is worth every penny.