Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Food Review

The food i'm going to review is a personal favorite that my mother used to make for me every Sunday for breakfast. In our house, we call it "salmon cakes and grits." It is a meal of salmon crochets, grits, and buttermilk biscuits. We all have different ways of customizing our plates when my mother serves us. Sam usually has all of his food separated on his plate so that nothing is touching. He puts honey on his biscuits and cheese on his grits, and he eats everything separately. My brother franklin smashes his grits and salmon crochets together and crumbles his biscuits over them and drizzles honey over everything. I smash my salmon crochets and grits together, drizzle honey over them, cut my biscuits in half, drizzle honey on each half of that, and then make little sandwiches. The techniques we use to eat this delicacy says a lot about our personalities. for example, the fact that sam separates everything shows how organized and anal he is about everything. The way franklin eats his shows his erratic and spontaneous personality, and the way i eat mine shows how disorganized, yet strikingly logical i am. The fact that my parents don't use honey at all, and instead use jelly, shows how old and boring and old fashioned they are. This is a perfect meal to eat, because not only is it nutritious and delicious, it allows for people to express themselves with the variety of ways that the food can be consumed.

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