Saturday, May 21, 2011

Movie Review

I love watching movies. My Father, 2 of my brothers, and my best friend are all HUGE movie buffs. One of the best movies I've ever seen is Inception. A large group of us saw that movie the day that it came out, and we were so intrigued and confused and in search of answers, that we went and paid to go see it again the next day. After the second time we watched the movie, we were able to draw some better conclusions and we caught some vital things that we missed. The movie is essentially about a man who goes into peoples dreams. He wants to go in this one man's dream and give him an idea, but he wants confuse him so much that the guy thinks he came up with the idea on his own, and Leonardo DiCaprio didn't give it to him. It's tough for me to explain because the movie is so complicated, but it's extremely entertaining and suspenseful and every intelligent person would enjoy it. I say intelligent not to offend, but because you really have to sit and pay attention to the movie to even understand it, let alone speculate on it, and an unintelligent person is incapable of doing such. I give this movie two thumbs up!

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